+45 44 84 37 56




ChemTrend is one of the worlds biggest manufacturer of release agents

Product description

ChemTrend is today the world’s largest supplier of release agents with productions in USA, Europe and China. ChemTrend’s products are extremely comprehensive and broad in scope in many different industries. ​In the summer of 2013 chose ChemTrend to aquire their competitor Zyvax Inc to enhance synergies and improve their position within certified Waterbased release products for Wind, Aeronautics and Aerospace. In this relation ChemTrend, decided to continue working with Granudan as their ​exclusive representative to the Wind and Composite Industry for both Zyvax and Chemlease products. We are pleased to include the ChemTrend’s release program in our “Technical Solution Package” for our Danish and foreign customers.

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